I created a drawing/coloring tool that colors the house and draws 3D objects. You can change the color of the house by using a dropdown menu. You can change the scale of the person using a slider. You can change the scale of clouds randomly or change the color of the clouds randomly using a checkbox. Also, you can change the scale of the house using a dropdown menu. Some of the features incorporate time and others the random function. 

Feature 1: Change Scale of Person 

Input: Move Slider (red) 

Process: Slider is being dragged. 

Output: The scale of the person object changes. (min value: 0.5 to max value: 1) 

Difference: This feature is different from class projects because the slider is changing the scale of a prefab. 

Feature 2: Change House Size  

Input: (House Size) Dropdown Menu/ Left Click 

Process: The dropdown menu lists the sizes to be chosen.  

Output: Based on the user input, the scale of the house changes correspondingly. 

Difference: The feature is different from class projects because a dropdown menu is used to change the scale of the house. 

Feature 3: Change House Color Based on Time 

Input: (House Color) Dropdown Menu/Left Click 

Process: The dropdown menu lists the two choices of gradually or jump changing the color of the house.   

Output: Based on the user input, the color of the house changes slowly or fast using the Time. 

Difference: The feature is different from class projects because Time is used to change the color of a shape (cube) that is part of the house prefab. 

Feature 4: Randomly Change Clouds Color

Input: Left Click on Checkbox 

Process: The check box is on or off. 

Output: (On Checkbox) The clouds change color randomly. (Off Checkbox) The clouds do not change color. 

Difference: The feature is different from class projects because the color of a prefab is changed using the random function. 

Feature 5: Randomly Change Clouds Scale

Input: Left Click on Checkbox 

Process: The check box is on or off. 

Output: (On Checkbox) The clouds' scale changes randomly. (Off Checkbox) The clouds do not change size. 

Difference: The feature is different from class projects because the scale of a prefab is changed using the random function.